Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Updates from Executive Committee Meeting

Faculty are working hard to modify the course curriculum and meeting times to make all of our lives easier. Here are some highlights:
  • Standard meeting times for courses to avoid course conflicts (e.g., TA assignments conflicting with grad courses, one course conflicting with another) and to ensure appropriate seating in classrooms
  • A new grant course is being considered that would be 3 credit hours and would offer students in-depth assistance in preparing a grant (e.g., NIH fellowship or NRSA)
  • Consistency in learning objectives for core courses that cut across programs (e.g., stats)
John Henderson suggested an information session for students interested in learning more about writing predoctoral fellowships. Please email Bridgette if you're interested, so that she can include this in the next report.

Please remember to attend colloquia in the department. We may have colloquia coming up for positions in the department. Colloquia also provide the opportunity to network with researchers from other universities and to get ideas for how to prepare your own presentations and future job talks. The next colloquium is this Friday, October 28th in Walsh at 12:15pm. See blurb below - I'm sure that many of you will be interested in the topic area.

Dr. Joel Nigg is a Professor of Psychiatry, Pediatrics & Behavioral Neuroscience and the Director of the Division of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Nigg will be giving a colloquium on Friday, October 28, 2011 at 12:15 p.m. in the Walsh Conference Room in Barnwell College. The title of his talk is “ADHD Causes and Mechanisms.” A flier is attached, please mark your calendars to attend.

As always, please email Bridgette with ideas, comments, and concerns.

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